Badger Recommends....

Badger Recommends....

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

My Bulls Party

It’s quite strange being the Bull. I’ve attended a fair amount of Bull’s parties in recent years to know that they’re helluva good fun. A Bulls party is not your average social rendezvous with the boys, it’s more than that. You just know that the bar is going to be raised and you’re fully aware that anything can happen. And actually being the bull, you have the added anxiety of knowing that it’s ALL ABOUT YOU !!! All that attention and knowing that you’re a target, is something that is both scary and exhilarating all at the same time. I guess it all boils down to whether the guys you’ve invited are you friends or your enemies. If you didn’t know before, you should have a fair idea by the end of your Bulls party.

Mike had organized an awesome holiday house down the South Coast in Pennington. A massive house right on the beach complete with pool and huge garden. The plan was simple. Arrive Friday after work, party hard, play golf, party hard again and then get the hell out of there and run home to our respective ‘safe places’.

Groom and groomsmen

Nothing like competitive racing around the garden to get things going

Needless to say, a Bulls party is not a bulls party unless the bull makes a spectacle of himself and is bound to a strict set of laws, the breaking of which leads to harsh, but fair punishment. I think Mike’s intentions were for me to resemble a variation of a racing badger, although Pants happened to mention to Nicky that I looked more like a gay rabbit. It didn’t matter, the objective was achieved and I’m sure it was quite entertaining seeing me dressed like an idiot out on the golf course with Jimmy in toe. Jimmy by the way is the big brown bear who was basically my new best friend for the weekend. Without Jimmy, I was a dead man. No Jimmy = Shots of cane.

I feel I received a fair balance of abuse as well as care. Abuse on the Friday night was rife, and I was given very little clout when it came to deciding how much cane I should drink. Saturday night was a slightly different affair which actually resulted in me being the last one to hit the sack, compared to Friday night where I was first in bed and dreaming by 10pm.

One of the highlights had to be the surprise arrival of Kurt who decided a few days earlier that he would fly out from the UK for the wedding. This in itself was superb, but the fact that he managed to pull in for the bulls party as well was just unbelievable.
Being the bull was awesome!! It came with its benefits as well as downfalls, but the downfalls were generally hilarious, so it’s a win-win. Shot Tont for organizing a superb weekend away and thanks to all that were there for grilling me over and jolling with me on my last weekend as a single man. I had an absolute belter of a weekend !!!
Watch this space…..Campo is next !!!!!!

I love you man !!!

The cane train conductor checking for tickets

I may have had something to do with my own demise

Diki on a mission to build the bonfire

The boat races were intense

The old man teaching me a lesson


I know bru, tell me about it

Tuna and Veeds sharing a moment

(P.S. Wedding and honeymoon photos to follow shortly)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Bix Ryan Heenan - "were you the photographer ?!"